Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Big Day at the Niemeyers

Today proved to be a big day at our house. We were able to celebrate three of the greatest children in our world. Gavin was dedicated to the Lord at our church service. Lauren turned 5 years old on June 27th and Ethan will turn 7 years old on July 19th. In an attempt to simplify the celebrations we decided to do it up big on June 29th. Everything was perfect. Gavin was a little angel during the service. Lauren loved her Mariposa cake and all her girlie presents. Ethan finally got what he has been wishing for...Lego Star Wars and a Wii system! Almost all our family was able to be there for the fun day. We thank God for our children and look forward to seeing what God has in store for them all.

I had to include this photo. After a big day, Lauren fell asleep with her Princess Bible that she received from Grandma and Grandpa and her Wacky Bear Una by her side.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Our Wacky Bears

Ethan and Lauren got Wacky Bear gift certificates for their birthdays from our friends the Petersons. Ethan, Lauren, Gavin and I spent the morning at the Wacky Bear factory creating Rex and Una. As you can see they had a blast and the final products are definitely lovable! What a fun and memorable experience. Gavin even got in on the action as you can see.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A trip to the pool

After a long hot day in the house with a mom who is crazy about trying to conserve energy, a trip to the city pool was in order. After a quick dinner, the five of us packed up and headed to the pool. Gavin splashed his feet in the water that felt refreshing at first, but as the weather cooled down and a breeze came up, the kids started to shiver. We were successful though, by the time we stopped for a Waldo's smoothie and got back to our house, nature had cooled it down.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Gavin is 8 Months

Gavin turned 8 months old in June and he has also gained two new friends this month (by default because their moms are my friends :)) Miss Mackenzie Lynn Groth was born to my grade school/high school friend Jamie and her husband Aaron on June 4th. She is adorable and we can't wait to meet her. Mr. Benjamin Harley Stuewe was born to my friend Tracy and her husband Bill on June 19th. We were very surprised by his early arrival and we will be visiting them later today! I know I will look back on this when they are all running around playing together and wonder where the years went. Enjoy your amazing time with those precious new babies Jamie and Tracy! Love you all!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Our Little Mermaid

We had a little accident at our house on Tuesday evening. As I was turning to the sink to dump a pot of sweet corn water, Lauren stepped toward me and we bumped and some of the very hot water spilled onto her back. We took her to the ER where they fixed her all up. It was a pretty sad evening, but she is doing so amazing. She has a two week old scab on her knee that she has complained about more than her back. Many of her friends and family have been praying for us and we know that she has been pain free because of God. While she is getting her bandages changed she says "here comes the mermaid" because Mike wraps the bandages around and around her torso. She has been a trooper throughout all the dressing changes and extra showers to clean her wound. Thanks for your prayers!

Here is the actual burn area. This was still about four days ago before all the dead skin flaked off. It is really looking great. I found a swimsuit shirt that has 50 SPF that she can wear to the lake/pool this summer. It will protect her back and still give her that cute factor :)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

My first Tractor ride

Ethan and Lauren started riding on the lawnmower with dad early and still love it. It would be only fitting to get Gavin riding too. On this beautiful evening Gavin sat with me on the porch and watched Lauren go around and around with Dad. Then when Lauren was done, daddy took Gavin for a couple of spins around the yard. He loved it!