Saturday, August 21, 2010

Father's Day

A cute sample of our Father's Day 2010!
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Friday, June 4, 2010

Livestock 2010

Hey Everyone, ok, lets be serious, hey you three! Livestock 2010 is finally here. Saturday June 5th Livestock will be at Minnesota Square in St Peter, MN. This year we have added a 5K race to kick off the day at 8 am. People can still register for the race that morning. Then from 10 am to 10 pm 20 bands will grace two stages and fill the park with Christian tunes. There are 6 food booths and just as many merchandise booths. We added a Kids Zone this year with bounce houses and a petting zoo. My great friends Jill and Alex Hass founded this event three years ago as a response to God's calling during their trip into a deep valley where they almost lost their home and many nights didn't know where they would get food to feed their children. We would love for you to join us tomorrow at the park in the middle of St Peter. Check out the website for more infomation.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Summer is Here

The shades are a necessity! We now have grass and even a sandbox. Let the days outside in the sun begin. Gavin would be outside all day if he could. It will be interesting to see how good I get at running inside and outside taking care of Katelyn and watching Gavin.

Happy Mother's Day

Here is my attempt of getting a picture of me and my kids on Mother's Day. It was rather bright and the sun was in everyones eyes. Truly my favorite holiday ever! I was made to be a mommy. Mike was about to take a picture of me holding Katelyn and she spit up. I told him to still take it because it is a true representation of her and I. She is always spitting up and I am always covered in it! :)

"I Hold Her"

This is what Gavin says when he wants to hold his baby sister. I get her all situated on his lap and literally two seconds later he is pushing her off his lap stating all done!

Katelyn 8 weeks

Here is Miss Katelyn at 8 weeks old. She is a great baby (most of the time). She is a great addition to our family. Things have started to settle down and maybe I could even say things are back to normal.

Gavin and the Girls

This is Gavin being sandwiched by Baby Stella and Baby Katelyn. Stella is the lucky first daughter of our old nanny Bethany and her husband Mark. The girls were born one week apart and hopefully forever friends.

Waitin for my breakfast

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Katelyn 1 Month Old

Don't you just love babies in footie jammies? Funny how Gavin was the baby not that long ago.

A couple of pictures of Katelyn at 1 month old.

Katelyn Riding in Style

This was the way Katelyn was strolling the other day. Had to get a pic. They would have done this all afternoon. Pretty proud brother and sister.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Gavin Michael is a big brother!

Katelyn Ali
March 3, 2010
7 lbs 6 ozs
20 inches long

Yeah! She arrived on a Wednesday evening amidst a loving team of welcomers. She is an amazing baby who was ready from day 1 to go with the flow of the household. Ethan, Lauren, and Gavin welcomed her home that Friday and there hasn't been a dull moment since. In addition to Gavin's Big Brother roll he has taken on the Mischievious Boy roll. A couple of things that he has done since he realized that Katelyn was here to stay:
**He got himself stuck in the bottom basket of her stroller. (I was standing right there changing her diaper. I had a hard time getting him out too)
**He went downstairs to the kids bathroom, got in the tub fully clothed, stomped on the drain like Daddy taught him :( and turned on the ICE cold water. At least it was cold. I don't think he will do that again.
**Took an entire tube of gel and sqeezed it on the wall, floor, chair, and of course his hair.
**Licked the Bleach Pen (At least we knew his mouth was clean?)
(I promise I am a very competent mother. He has just thrown us all into a whole new level)