Friday, June 4, 2010

Livestock 2010

Hey Everyone, ok, lets be serious, hey you three! Livestock 2010 is finally here. Saturday June 5th Livestock will be at Minnesota Square in St Peter, MN. This year we have added a 5K race to kick off the day at 8 am. People can still register for the race that morning. Then from 10 am to 10 pm 20 bands will grace two stages and fill the park with Christian tunes. There are 6 food booths and just as many merchandise booths. We added a Kids Zone this year with bounce houses and a petting zoo. My great friends Jill and Alex Hass founded this event three years ago as a response to God's calling during their trip into a deep valley where they almost lost their home and many nights didn't know where they would get food to feed their children. We would love for you to join us tomorrow at the park in the middle of St Peter. Check out the website for more infomation.